Corporate site for Peninsula Fleet Management, a bay area based automotive fleet business.
more infoBlog site/portfolio for Pinwheel Designs Corporation. Site includes scripts to detect mobile browsers and optimize templates for reduced screen sizes.
more infoCorporate website for fashion designer Jenni Kayne. Companion e-commerce site due December '10.
more infoPinwheel is a San Francisco based creative design and development shop. This site was developed to round out their web presence, being the last piece in a puzzle including a desktop flash site, blog site, and client area site.
The mobile site features a jQtouch enabled portfolio slide-show that automatically sizes images based on screen size and orientation. The slide-show also includes touch based swipe controls available in webkit based browsers.
more infoURBAN BAZAAR is a socially conscious, woman-owned gift shop in San Francisco’s vibrant Inner Sunset District.
more infoCampaign website for the Hispanic Sholarship Fund. This is a national, bi-lingual, campaign to educate hispanic parents about the need for college.
more infoAnthera is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing products to treat serious diseases, including cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases.
This is a strictly html based site. I created the html, css, and added all of the content.
more infoAnthera is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing products to treat serious diseases, including cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases.
This site was created to be a password protected blog site to share information with researchers working on the Vista-16 drug. The website is built in Expression Engine and features fully customized member profile layouts, sub-pages loaded via Ajax, and frontend add/edit features.
The PDF pages use Scribd to embed the articles in the page.
more infoFlash photo gallery created for Pinwheel Designs Corporation.
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